手上起小疙瘩【视频】Wang 玩跨界,我只服她!Xiaohui-MATSU

【视频】Wang 玩跨界,我只服她库伦吧!Xiaohui-MATSU手上起小疙瘩


Introduction of XiaohuiWang
2018. 02.05,旅德艺术家王小慧与友人一行参访玛祖铭立,并为其作品签名。自2013年,玛祖铭立与王小慧女士正式合作,今年已是第5个年头。
On Feb., 05, 2018, XiaohuiWang a Chineseartist in German, visited MATSU with her friends and signed for her works. 2018is the fifth year since our collaboration with XiaohuiWang.
XiaohuiWang has been long well engagedin art field in Europe and China. She’s done art exhibitions in many famous artgalleries in the world and has won many awards for her works, of which some areorganization collections and private collections.

About XiaohuiWang

XiaohuiWang went to German for furtherstudy after she graduated from Architecture Master in Shanghai TongjiUniversity in 1986, and along with her was a very gifted boy and her only love,Yu Lin.
She was major in art but she was very muchattracted to photography.
留学之后通用运费网 ,她这种对于摄影的热爱在经济的压力、理想与现实的冲突面前受到了阻碍,好在有先生俞霖陪在身旁,一直支持她。
When studying abroad虎烈拉 , XiaohuiWang wasdifficult to make a choice because she was facing pretty much economic pressurebut she really enjoyed photography and it’s her dream. Luckily, she always hasher husband, Yu Lin to be supportive.
“If you really like art, just be a professional artist! I’llgive you all my support if you don’t have money.” That’s what Yu Lin promised herwhen she had to make a choice.

于是,她毅然决然地辞去了大学教授的职位性别对抗 ,一心一意地走上心爱的艺术创作之路,即使这份工作无法给她带来稳定的收入。
So she determinedly quit the job as auniversity professor and got on her way to art creation, which might barelyensure her stable income.
However, humans are fortune’s fool, an caraccident in 1991 killed the young Yu Lin and XiaohuiWang got injured severely,her face beyond recognition, fracture of three ribs, spine injured and risks oflife-long paralysis.
The first thing she did after she gotconscious was taking a picture of her broken face with her camera, to memorizethat unforgettable hurt.
“拍摄时我无法知道焦距是否清晰,自己在镜头里是什么样子丁嘉力 ,只是想把这一切真实地记录下来。” ——《我的视觉日记》
“I didn’t know if focus length was good and I was not awareof how terrible I was in my shot. All I wanted to do was to vividly recordeverything.”------ “My visual diary”

沙砾成为珍珠李毕茂 ,才会把自己打开。意外与疼痛,已成为了王小慧如今生命的养分和一部分。生与死之间,全赖艺术搭救。
If you are in full bloom, butterflies will come. What didn’tkill her just makes her even stronger. Art was the life-saving boat for XiaohuiWang when was facing miserable accident.
也许很多人会质疑为什么一个艺术家需要把自己苦痛不断在世人面前展现。冯溪 但是只有这样才能让大家真正进入她的人生。
Man people may question why an artist needs to present their sorrows and pains in front of the public. But only by so doing can you get to know life.
This is like gravels accidentally falling into the heart of one clamshell. Not matter how hard you scream, you can only bear with it until the gravels become bright pearls before you open the clamshell.
Xiaohui Wang does not intend to tell her pains or get the sympathy or tears of others. She only wants to say that all accidents and pains have become nutrients of life and part of life. Art is totally depended on between her life and death.
I love working here强嫁少将 !

家具武尊道 ,不仅仅是硬件,通过感官(外观),结合体验(功能使用),她可以与你交流。
作为高端办公家具的玛祖铭立,希望通过与王小慧女士的合作,将艺术融入办公空间中张琼姿 ,助力构建人与空间的情感纽带,促进中国办公家具行业与艺术界的更多交流与合作。
Furniture is not only hardware but also something that communicates with you while you’re looking at(appearance) it and using it (functions).
When you feel her softness, you’ll curl up in her;
When you feel her comfortable space, you’ll lean on her;
When you’re getting efficient in her convenient layout, you’ll need her more and miss her.
That’s what people always say: I love working here!
That is “being dedicated”!
For the past 21 years, while having created lots of beautiful products and space, MATSU has been even more dedicated and bringing vitality to products, hoping to make people talk to products and get emotional connection with products.
As a high-end office furniture brand, MATSUwould like to integrate art elements with office space so as to help createemotional connection between human and space; we’re anticipating that we canuse art language to further promote communication and cooperation betweenChinese office furniture industry and art world.

Wang Xiaohui×MATSU

In June你鼓舞了我, 2013帕里斯通 , XiaohuiWang andPresident of MATSU formally signed a strategic partnership agreement.
王小慧作为著名旅德艺术家,是中德文化交流最重要的代表人物之一,是中德两国政府表彰的友好大使。而作为高端办公家具的领军品牌张效铭 ,玛祖铭立在21年来,一直以来坚持原创设计,极致完美的办公空间艺术体现,并先后与八大德国顶尖品牌合作,在办公环境领域架起了中德交流的桥梁。正是这种对严谨和艺术的崇尚,促使玛祖铭立与王小慧艺术中心高度契合并达成战略合作。
As acelebrated artist travel in Germany, Xiaohui Wang is one of the most importantrepresentatives and goodwill ambassador commended by both Chinese and Germangovernments. As a leading high-end office furniture brand质子殿下 , MATSU has createdpioneering corporate philosophy of “Create the inspiring office lifestyle” withits tireless pursuit of innovation and practical results for 17 years. Up todate, MATSU has been cooperating with eight German design brands, assimilatedthe leading design philosophies and office culture of Germany and served as abridge on cultural exchanges between China and Germany. With its respect forand longing for perfection and art and its commitment to original design, MATSUhas perfectly illustrated the office spaces in artistic way and facilitated thestrategic partnership with Wang Xiaohui Art Center.

In 2013, Ms. Wang Xiaohui’s Nanometer photographyshow took place in MATSU flagship store.
XiaohuiWang and MATSU co-presentingSuzhou Art Gallery

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