悦丝【视频】Dancing Dragon 春节资源免费送!新春特辑第二更——The-绘本树英语抚州分校

【视频】Dancing Dragon 春节资源免费送!新春特辑第二更——The-绘本树英语抚州分校


上一期给大家分享的,由Grace Lin创作的Bringing in the New Year,大家喜欢吗?我们还在文末给大家留了个看图猜词活动,那我们先来揭晓答案吧!

red envelope: 红包
good luck sign: 福字
bunny lantern: 免子灯笼
drum: 鼓
dumplings: 饺子 (get-rich dumplings 发财饺子)
symbolic sun: 火珠(龙珠)
noisemaker: 喇叭
oranges: 桔子
qi pao: 旗袍
family feast: 家宴

firecrackers: 鞭炮
spring couplets: 春联
whole fish: 全鱼
broom: 扫帚
decorated kumquat tree: 装饰过的金橘树
spring lantern: 春节灯笼
gong: 锣
大家都记住了这些和春节有关的单词了吗湘夫人教案 ?
那今天,我们就继续新春特辑的第二更!我们要介绍一本特别热闹喜庆的绘本 The Dancing Dragon,它是由Marcia Vaughan创作,Stanley Wang Hoo Foon绘制,中国味年味可是十足呢。

从书名The Dancing Dragon,我们就可以这本书和舞龙有关,整本书韵律十足,朗朗上口。在卷首,作者先列举了许多春节的传统习俗,接着描述了新年巡游里的各种活动,对大家最为期待的舞龙,更是用一系列的动词把整个过程描述得生动形象。


文字的描述是一定不足以表现出绘本的精髓所在,小编依然为大家准备了视频,不同的是,这次的视频不是朗读版,是唱颂版噢,节日气息更加浓烈,快快一起来欣赏吧说岳后传 !
Ba-boom! go the drums. Pop马灵儿 ! go the firecrackers. Unfold this book and join in the fun of a Chinese New Year celebration.

小编真是太喜欢这个唱颂版了,忍不住又听了好几遍,你们喜欢吗?欢迎给我留言来分享你们的感受噢!绘本里的语言韵律节奏十足,为了方便大家带着孩子一起来感受这精炼的语言,小编就把文字版的附在下方吧悦丝 陈韵晴!(这里给大家提示一下楼兰旖梦 ,在给孩子读绘本时,记得把作者也带上噢)
The Dancing Dragon
Written byMarcia Vaughan
Illustrated by Stanley Wang Hoo Foon
We clean the house and sweep the floor.
We tie strings of firecrackers outside our store.
It’s Chinese New Year. There’s lots to do.
We hang up red scrolls and paper lanterns偷笑门 , too.
We bake New Year’s cakes, sing New Year’s songs.
We clang the cymbals and bang the gongs!
I join my friends and all my kin刘祖鸣,
For the New Year’s parade is about to begin.
Boom! Snap吴温蒂 ! Pop! Firecrackers explode
As the lion dancers charge up the road.
Along the street they roar and play忍野忍 ,
The loud noise chasing bad luck away.
They spin and growl藤三七 , they jump and shout.
The lion dancers leap and whirl about.
Now people with flags and banners pass.
Some wear costumes, some wear masks.
Boom! Ba-boom! The drums start drumming.
Crash! Flash! The dragon’s coming!
What will it look like? How long will it be翻身道情 ?
People crowd near the street to see.
Hurrah! Hurrah泰嘉物流! The dragon’s here.
“Gung hay fat choy!”the people cheer.
The dragon茭白炒肉丝 , nearly filling my street,
Is carried by sixty dancing feet.
Under the dragon’s silky spine,
Dancers form a moving line.
The dragon’s eyes roll round and round.
It stamps its feet upon the ground.
As the New Year’s dragon whirls on by光复节特赦 ,
Fireworks burst across the sky.
Stepping and stopping, then winding round,
The dragon goes charging through Chinatown.
Dashing left, then rolling right奥鹏学生登录 ,
Away dances the dragon into the night.
回复“新年”两个字,水谷幸也 就可以免费获得资源包噢许慎文化园!快快来领取吧!