成长日记【视频】For Kids - The Big Picnic 盛大的野餐 Bible-JesusChrist

【视频】For Kids | The Big Picnic 盛大的野餐 Bible-JesusChrist

Jesus had finished teaching. Everyone was hungry. "Send them away to buy food阳春羊奶 ," His disciples said. But Jesus wanted to show the people that they could trust God.
有一次本山号,耶稣对很多人讲道。讲完后天色已经晚了成长日记 ,大家都饿了。耶稣的门徒们说:“让众人散了,各自去买东西吃吧cride。” 但是耶稣想让他们知道恶之华漫画 ,他们可以信靠上帝的供应朴健泰 。

"Why don't you feed them?" Jesus asked. "It would take a year's wages to buy bread for them all!" His disciples cried. "How much food do you have?梁佩诗" asked Jesus.
耶稣问门徒:“为什么你们不找食物给众人吃呢通榆天气预报?” 门徒们吃惊地说:“给这么多人买饼吃要花去很多钱的!” 耶稣问:“你们有多少吃的东吴十二虎臣 ?”"There is a boy here," said Andrew, "who has five loaves of bread and two little fish." Jesus smiled. "Perfect. Tell the people to sit down on the grass."
门徒安德烈说:“这儿有个男孩儿,他有五个饼和两条小鱼预报一页通 。”耶稣微笑着说:“很好蛇菰。你们去安排大家在草地上坐下吧安琪拉之歌 。”

So the people sat down all over the mountainside. Jesus thanked God for the bread and the fish. Then He broke them into pieces for His disciples to hand out.
于是人们密密麻麻地坐在山腰上。耶稣拿起饼和鱼李君妍 ,感谢了上帝,就把饼和鱼掰开,让门徒们分给大家孔舒航图片 。
Jesus' disciples passed out bread and fish to the whole crowd. There were five thousand men and lots of women and children心倾何处 , too. Everyone ate as much as they wanted戳小琪 !
门徒们把饼和鱼分给了所有的人雷浪声 。人群里有五千男人扔蛇门 ,还有很多妇女和孩子方敏雅 。每个人都吃得饱饱的!

Afterwards张敏健 , the disciples gathered up the leftovers. There were twelve baskets full, from just five loaves and two fish十大奇冤 ! The people knew they could trust God to care for them.
后来静园瑜伽 ,门徒们收拾剩下的食物,装满了十二个篮子。五个饼和两条鱼竟可以满足所有人吃饱还有剩余!通过这个神迹,人们知道他们可以完全信靠上帝的供应!
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