成都装修排名【视频】Consonants(其他辅音)part 3 Other-LearningLanguages

【视频】Consonants(其他辅音)part 3 Other-LearningLanguages馨雨听书网

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---The tongue begains in a high back position similar to the vowel /u/瀚海星云 , but the airways are slightly more constricted.
---The tongue glides from its start position to a more open position for the following vowel. Lips are rounded and protruded宗利群 , then move to the configuration for the following vowel.
---The vocal folds are abducted and vibrating.
---The velopharyngeal port is closed.

---The tongue begins in a high front position similar to the vowel /i/成都装修排名 赌王大骗局 , but the airway is slightly more constricted.
---The tongue glides from its start position to a more open position for the following vowel.
---Lip configuration may vary depending on phonetic context.
---The vocal folds are abducted and vibrating.
---The velopharyngeal port is closed.