我国的少数民族【视频】Suckling Pig on this Sunday! 周日德式烤乳猪-Paulaner上海宝莱纳

【视频】Suckling Pig on this Sunday! 周日德式烤乳猪-Paulaner上海宝莱纳花田少年史

你是否已经闻到了烧烤架上德式烤乳猪的诱人香气?本周日又是肉食爱好者大快朵颐的时间了!泽北荣治 从现在开始直到10月8日猛鬼航班 ,每月的第一个周日下午5:00至晚上8:00杨过传 ,宝莱纳世博店将为大家带来德式烤乳猪套餐我国的少数民族张佩君 ,包含沙拉,约500克的烤乳猪配奶酪肉肠和核桃面包以及水果杯。
Do you smell the delicious fragrances of our juicy suckling pig which is just grilling on the spit官路风云 ? Meat lovers, it’s your time again to enjoy our authentic German BBQ delicacies on this coming Sunday. From now on until October 8th, Paulaner @ Expo will offer on every first Sunday of each month申智熏, from 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., a delightful juicy suckling pig BBQ including a salad, a fruit cup建行结算通卡 , 500 grams of mouth-watering suckling pig served with grilled Cheese-Krainer sausages and fresh walnut bread.
一起来加入这场无肉不欢的饕餮盛宴吧中复连众 !
Come and join us in our spacious beer garden for this traditional German style BBQ feast妃丽美 !

数量有限天韵古筝 ,请提前致电预订@ 2206 0555
The Suckling Pig BBQ set menu is priced at
RMB 208 per person.
As portions are limited尚佳驾校 , please reserve ahead @ 2206 0555.
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